How Numerology Works

Numerology isn’t very difficult to use. In its basic form, the letters of a person’s full name are assigned numbers which are then added together until they produce a single digit, or the number 11, 22 or 33. Those three numbers are master numbers and are not to be broken down to a single digit. They are an indication that the person whose name equals these numbers is highly developed spiritually. All of these numbers – names, birth dates, birthplaces and times – correspond to specific universal vibrations which are part of a person’s destinies and fortunes.

There has been evidence throughout history that certain values were assigned to certain integers. The Greeks recorded their numbers with dots and geometrical figures, assigning masculine qualities to odd numbers that could not be separated, and feminine qualities to even numbers. The masculine numbers were indicative of being assertive, having power, and creative. Feminine numbers are whole, stable, and showing weakness.
To get an idea of how numerology works a person can take the equation 6+7=13. This statement can be broken down further by taking the number 13 and going1+3=4. 4 would be the number that represents that equation and from there one can discover what attributes the number 4 has.
In order to find the final number that represents a person, a person would assign the following values to each letter of their name:
Once they have all the values assigned to their name, they are to add them all together, take the final number and add those integers together until they get a single digit. That single digit will reveal a person’s character traits. Watch!
The name ‘Tony Smith’ would be represented like this:
T=2, O=6, N=5, Y=7, S=1, M=4, I=9, T=9, H=8
2 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 51
5+ 1 = 6
Tony Smith is a six.
If Tony Smith’s final number had been an eleven instead of fifty-one, a numerologist would’ve read his chart based on that number. The same goes for 22 and 33.
One thing people need to remember when doing a numerology chart for themselves is that if they use their whole name – first, middle, last – or in a woman’s case, first, middle, and maiden name if the are married, they will get a more accurate number and representation of who they are.


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