Discover Creative Force Numerology!

The manifestation, existence and expression of EVERYTHING in our material universe is 100% dependent upon CREATIVE FORCES VIBRATIONS! If ALL vibrations were to suddenly cease, you, I and everything in our material realm universe would instantly disappear! Understanding the nature, purpose and meaning of Creative Forces Vibrations enables one to perceive and understand the nature, purpose, destiny, status and creative power potentials of one's Self, the nature of material, mental and spiritual things, the nature and structure of the universe and myriad's of otherwise mysterious, hidden and unknown things.

Life is of, and IS, the Creative Energy Forces Vibrations man has renamed to religiously worship as "God". Life forms are manifestations of consciously aware, electrically charged, Creative Force Vibrations. In each atom, in each corpuscle, in each cell of the body, there is radiating, vibrating, electrically-charged Life Force Energy to maintain, sustain and keep eachand every part and portion of the body functioning in its proper and purposed manner.

In essence, there are 12 distinctly different classifications of Creative Forces Vibrations. 7 of the 12 are of radiant creative force nature and consciousness and 5 are of magnetic creative force nature and consciousness.

Each and every creation, including you and I, is comprised, composed, energized and activated to exist and express via nothing more, nothing less and nothing other than living,consciously aware, Creative Forces Energy Vibrations! These Creative Forces Energy Vibrations are US! These vibes each have different vibration rates, (frequencies), polarities, dark and/or light force intents, natures, creative purposes, desires and marching orders. Via free will choice, we choose and fuse, blend and use consciousness, realities, actualities, living experiences and beings, both here, and hereafter.

The ancients code-named these Creative Forces as FIRE, EARTH, AIR and WATER and grouped these 12 Creative Forces into 4 groups of 3 Creative Forces per group. FIRE symbolized radiant and magnetic light forces of positive polarity. EARTH signified stability,magnetic ground and radiant ground polarities. AIR symbolized radiant and magnetic forces of neutral polarity and WATER signified magnetic and radiant forces having negative polarity.

These four classifications of the Cosmic Creative Forces have long been referred to as "The 4 Pillars of God", and, in Hebrew, as Yod-He-Vau-He, a secret archaic name for the Creator. Translated into English, Yod-He-Vau-He became JHVH, pronounced as Jehovah.YOD relates to the the 1st pillar of God, the Creative Forces vibrations comprising our sense of SIGHT, the pillar of FIRE forces, the proton, red green and violet colors and vibration rates for music notes, C E and G# (A flat).

VAU corresponds to Creative Forces of neutral radiance and neutral magnetism, the AIR forces comprising the 3rd pillar of God and our sense of HEARING, the Neutron, yellow, skyblue and magenta color frequencies and vibe rates of music notes D, F# and A#.

HE code names Creative Forces of negative magnetism and negative radiance, the WATER forces comprising the 4th pillar of God, our sense of TASTE, the electron, lemon, indigo and scarlet color frequencies, vibration rates of music notes D#, G and B. The last letter HE differs in meaning from the 2nd letter HE, just as EARTH differs from WATER. A Yod-He-Vau -Hee spelling more clearly depicts this difference. For example, HE would relate to soil and HEE would relate to Soul. He to mineral or ice and Hee to liquid or water.

HE relates to the radiant ground and magnetic ground Creative Forces Vibrations comprisingthe 2nd pillar of God, the EARTH forces and our sense of SMELL, the Atom (Adam), orange,cyan and purple frequencies and C#, F and A music note vibration rates.

A 5th Creative Force (relating to touch and/or feeling) was introduced into consciousness via the name Jesus, signified by the letters Yod-He-Shin-Vau-Hee, with the letter shin symbolizing Akasha, Spirit, Antimatter, thus transforming the God of Fire, Earth, Air and Water, into the Creative Forces God of Fire, Earth, SPIRIT, Air and Water. Thus "Jesus" became the link, the intermediator, between matter and spirit.

Like ice, water and steam, Mind, Matter and Energy are 3 forms of expression of one and the same thing - Creative Force Energy Vibrations! Mother Nature's electrically charged Creative Force of Light (called lightening) is a Radiant Creative Force Vibration exemplifying "God" in action. Each Creative Force Vibration radiates its own specific color frequency throughout the entire vibration spectrum of consciousness. Each entity, each atom of each entity, radiates the color tone vibration rates of the Creative Forces to which it is attuned. Each entity vibrates to certain numbers according to their name, birth date, creative forces vibration rates, the nature of their relationships to their Maker, their activities and their fellow man.

The nature of the destiny of an entity is directly linked to the nature of their attitudes, motivations, beliefs and desires. Desire causes entities and things to change and to move. Creative Force feeling tones of intense desire create vibratory forces in consciousness according to the spirit nature and intent of that desired. A material, vibrating, neutron-proton Creative Force nucleus surrounds these forces. They automatically have an ID number for their location and creative status in consciousness. Their number quickly pinpoints their location, nature, purpose and evolutionary status, for "Like attracts Like" and "Birds of a feather flock together". Creative Force Vibrations link together to locate where they resonate. Their vibes are universally relative, according to their number.


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