History of Numerology

It is believed that numerology was in existence and used thousand of years ago in China, Greece, Rome and Egypt, way before Pythagoras ever made his statement claiming that everything can be reduced to a numerical value and was named the father of numerology. Only the initiated in every culture was ever taught the secrets of numerology because it was considered powerful and sacred. All the teachings were oral because of this and most of Pythagoras’ teachings were also lost because of the mysticism that surrounded him and his students.

According to Pythagoras, everything is related to mathematics and he felt that things could be measured and predicted in cycles. This statement was based on him discovering that music during hi time could be counted in beats of one through four and that those numbers add up to the number ten. He went on to demonstrate that all numbers larger than nine can be reduced to a single digit simply by adding them together. He was the first to assign numbers to the alphabet and then determine a person’s traits based on their name alone. He was also one of the first to introduce the concept that a human has three different bodies that work in conjunction with on another on different realms. He and his followers also believed in reincarnation in both humans and animals. Pythagoras was also taught magic and other rituals at the time and combined them both in his work on numerology.
Upon Pythagoras’ death, his teachings were picked up by Plato and then reinforced in the text of the Jewish Cabala. Numerology spread throughout Europe spawned by Pythagoras’ teachings. The German Kabbalists developed gemartia, a mystical numerical interpretation of the Holy Scripture. Numerology continued to be used and studied and in the nineteenth century, energy vibrations suddenly were assigned numbers upon the discovery and widespread use of light, magnetism, and electricity. By this time, Pythagorean numerology was the method most widely used.


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